High Speed Driving Days - North Weald 2025


CCCUK Member
Howdy folks. After posting on last year one to ask about this year, I thought I'd start a new post to list who is going so far.
From that post we have Steven, Andy, and Mark going on Tuesday 5th August, which at present has 6 places left.

The other date is Monday 8th September which currently has 18 places left.

I'm interested in going, but will have to have a look when I'm free.

Please comment if you're going, and to which one.


CCCUK Member
I'm sorry everybody - I was meant to do a communication but lost the plot somewhere.

Everyone is welcome of course - just book yourself in as per usual.

In no way did I mean to upset anybody - just had a lot on. Sorry again




CCCUK Member
I'm sorry everybody - I was meant to do a communication but lost the plot somewhere.
Its quite alright Mark. It was just coincidence I thought about it the other day and saw that the August one was well attended. So thought I'd try to get a group going on here. But handily already under way.

Be nice to get some more dates in the calendar for other track based action too. I saw Castle Coombe has open pit days and that looked interesting.


CCCUK Member
Its quite alright Mark. It was just coincidence I thought about it the other day and saw that the August one was well attended. So thought I'd try to get a group going on here. But handily already under way.

Be nice to get some more dates in the calendar for other track based action too. I saw Castle Coombe has open pit days and that looked interesting.
Thanks Kieran - appreciate that. (y)

Always open to ideas about track possibilities :)


CCCUK Member
This is the Castle Coombe open track day:
Car Track Days - Castle Combe Race Circuit

Looks interesting, and relaxed as you can drive as much as you want throughout the day. The obvious minor issue is being on track at the same time as others, and probably wanting insurance etc ramps the cost up.

Trying to find other "sprint / action" track days like Drive Limits is quite hard - especially in my neck of the woods.


CCCUK Member
Looks interesting, but I'm miles away from Kent. I think they do similar things at Smeatharpe near-ish me here and there. Not been yet, but to be honest I'm not a massive fan of drag racing. I have done it before and it was a laugh, but I prefer track action with corners and stuff.


Supporting vendor
What is with this only 1/8th mile drag strip ?
All UK strips ?
Is this for ricers ?
Not worth the rubber coming off the line ?



The real problem relating to drag racing here in the UK Jon is not easy to sum-up in one sentence.
Firstly we are a very small country. Some will say an over-populated country. Property costs are at premium prices. Accordingly land suitable for building the millions of new homes were are continually told are needed here to house the people and families without suitable homes and importantly land that can get planning permission is scarce in the areas needed and extremely expensive. Couple that with the high costs of building materials and labour and the likelyhood of any propertiesbeing built will in mosty cases be unaffordable for people on average salaries.
An outsider to the UK might look historically at all the former WW2 airfields (with many still in existance, albeit not used for flying) and wonder why they haven't been used for drag racing. Quite a few have in the past........but the endemic 'nimby' culture, and noise issues here in the UK soon put paid to any develoment of suitable sites. Current commercial owners of the WW2 airfield sites get better finanical returns from industrial estates and housing developments.
Whilst the interest in American cars and drag racing has certainly increased over the years, compared with other circuit motorsport locations, drag racing is a minority sport. Our only full time drag strip now is Santa Pod, right in the middle of the UK. Fortunately it has been currently owned by a private enthusiast (John Bartlett) who has developed it significantly since the strips inception in the 1960's.
There have been two or three other semi-permanent drag strips in the country but commericial and housing development effectively finished them.
An example of the difficulties establishing a drag strip in the UK can been seen in the history of the famous WW2 fighter base North Weald, (now owned by the local council) just 15 miles north of London with M25 and M11 motorways very close.
It has been a important major base for historic and light aircraft for a number of years. A number of years ago there were organised drag events there once or twice a year. Complaints about noise etc meant that they eventually had to become effectively known as 'test and tune' events rather than drag race events.
Eventually a prominent local land owner (who was also served as a councillor on the local authority) apparently made sure the drag event was stopped.
Interestingly a little later some of the airfield land was sold at a significant figure to the Google corporation for a new UK headquarters and warehousing facility.
So Jon, here in the UK we are really up against it relating to any quarter mile events - 1/8th mile no-preparation racing, typically on runways has seemingly been a way of getting the sport back to 'grass roots' and giving more opportunities for the average guy to 'have a go'. Marston is another former RAF base in East Kent, perhaps 80 miles or so from London. Lets hope it lasts more than just a few years (the airport was once being considered as an additional London airport.


Supporting vendor
Nice write-up Roscobbc

Just doing a search here in the USA

There are 423 active ÂĽ mile drag strips in the United States as of today and at least another 23 being built this year

That 423 number is down a couple handfuls from what Kepner says was a high-water mark of somewhere between 440 and 450 active tracks in the mid-2010’s, but nevertheless, the “good old days” are right now. Never before have there been more places to drag race in this country than there have been over the last 5–10 years, and that stat remains true to this day.
Sure, the trend is moving in the wrong direction a smidge, but this sport is still truly alive and well, and for many in various parts of the country, there are more tracks in easy driving distance than there are days in a week to visit them all.

It was proven here if you have the tracks, that took the racers off the streets and safer on the tracks
Tracks here deal as to national noise levels by having rules as the maximum dBa vehicle can emit and must meet that sound level
Groups like SCCA, N.A.S.A, WSCC, NHRA, etc when need be grouped up and when needed even bought the land to build a track
for grassroots racing
I would think in the UK clubs like yours and others could do the same and drag strip needs less land than road course type track

I got talked into going to 1 1/8th mile, and it sucked, if I recall I never got out of second gear and hit the traps like 85 MPH
so the design of the engine never really proved what its ability is so was boring for me and not even worth the price for non Ethanol gas

How about looking as we do for Open Rod Racing is finding a town that would rent and shut down the road to the public for a weekend
Here those towns doing this make a ton of money over 3 days and in fact live on the amount they make for those 3 days for the rest of the year

We added TV coverage and that in turn countless people wanting to race or come just to watch the races and increases money to the town for motels, food, gas, etc and the local/county cops loved it

If we can do this where the rented road is like 100 miles, I would think the UK clubs could do the same for a 1-mile total for drag race weekends


CCCUK Member
Just not enough demand here, John - more's the pity.

Getting permissions to hold any sort of race on public roads is so difficult that it almost never happens. We as a very small club could never finance or organise such a thing and the insurance would be prohibitive amongst many other problems.

As for buying land? No chance!!

The UK [i.e. including Northern Ireland which is on a separate island] is just under 81,000 sq miles in area. A considerable portion of that is in Scotland and can be very remote. So, we have a little less area than Kansas. They have just under 3m people living there - we have over 69m people here. You get my point!




Supporting vendor
Hi Mark

Do these 7 drag strips shown here still exist and are they close to your guys ?

This one is still active and if so your Corvette club pick a date and have others also come racing ?

This in Scotland and is functional

And more

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Shakespeare Raceway is closed - earmarked for housing
Melbourne/York Raceway still exists
Santa Pod is the major UK location.
Elvington (with one of the longest WW2 runways in UK) tends to be used for measured top speed events.
North Weald - is effectively closed to drag racing
Marston seems to have a good chance as a new location in the south of the UK.
Some of the 'minor' locations seem to get their main attendance from ricers and hot hatches......the real clue is 'Drag and Drift' !
The best chance we have for any kind of door slammer drag racing here in UK is No Prep. Even though 1/8th mile at the moment may seem insignificant it has the best chance of people doing a bit of 'street and strip' racing........remembering that many cars will be ricers and hot hatches. Perhaps less chance of serious crashes that would possibly shut down a location.
In terms of getting the 1041 no. CCCUK members to attend and compete in a drag race event..........it won't happen Jon.
We have historically attempted to organise attendance and race participation at Santa Pod, a mere 15/20 minute drive/15 mile trip from our Nationals location when held a few years back in Bedfordshire. You could count the interested members who wanted to watch on two hands......the ones that wanted to race.....on one hand!
The UK Mustang club would hold drag events and buy race time at Santa Pod at least once a year. They would always invite CCCUK members to attend - don't believe the 'take-up' was very high.......not even sure if they invite us anymore........
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Forrest Gump

CCCUK regional rep
Circuit racing is big in the UK though. We have a healthy number of motor racing circuits up and down the UK of course, used most weekends during the racing season for club level and international racing. The UK is considered the world’s hub of circuit racing, for both actual racing series and racing car manufacture/engineering.


CCCUK Member
Shakespeare Raceway is closed - earmarked for housing
Melbourne/York Raceway still exists
Santa Pod is the major UK location.
Elvington (with one of the longest WW2 runways in UK) tends to be used for measured top speed events.
North Weald - is effectively closed to drag racing
Marston seems to have a good chance as a new location in the south of the UK.
Some of the 'minor' locations seem to get their main attendance from ricers and hot hatches......the real clue is 'Drag and Drift' !
The best chance we have for any kind of door slammer drag racing here in UK is No Prep. Even though 1/8th mile at the moment may seem insignificant it has the best chance of people doing a bit of 'street and strip' racing........remembering that many cars will be ricers and hot hatches. Perhaps less chance of serious crashes that would possibly shut down a location.
In terms of getting the 1041 no. CCCUK members to attend and compete in a drag race event..........it won't happen Jon.
We have historically attempted to organise attendance and race participation at Santa Pod, a mere 15/20 minute drive/15 mile trip from our Nationals location when held a few years back in Bedfordshire. You could count the interested members who wanted to watch on two hands......the ones that wanted to race.....on one hand!
The UK Mustang club would hold drag events and buy race time at Santa Pod at least once a year. They would always invite CCCUK members to attend - don't believe the 'take-up' was very high.......not even sure if they invite us anymore........
Have to agree about participation, Ross. The last time I went to Santa Pod on a Nationals weekend, there were only two Corvettes running and I was one of them! Bloody good fun though!



CCCUK Member
I love the thread hijack of the North Weald action day thread to discuss drag racing. Personally I'm not one for dressing up as a woman and going for a run..... :ROFLMAO: