Contact the committee

The committee

Here are the contact details for the main CCCUK committee members. Please bear in mind that the CCCUK is run by volunteers, most of whom have day jobs too, so please be patient if you're hoping for an answer to a question.

If you are a member of the Club you will find a full contact list for all committee members and committee support on the member part of the website.

  • Chairman

    Peter Sansbury -
    Responsible for: leading the committee, ensuring the CCCUK is run efficiently.

  • Secretary

    Paul Aiston -
    Responsible for: the routine administration of the Club including Data Protection.

  • Treasurer

    Jason Evans -
    Responsible for: managing the CCCUK's finances, budgetting for expenses, reimbursing officers for expenses etc.

  • Membership

    Rob Tring -
    Responsible for: managing the database of club members, processing membership renewals, promoting CCCUK membership.

  • Events co-ordinator

    Alan Bradley -
    Responsible for: coordinating with the organisers of national events with which the CCCUK is formally associated, except the CCCUK Nationals.

  • Public Relations

    Nigel Dobbie -
    Responsible for: liaising with media organisations and third parties to promote the CCCUK through editorial, advertising etc.

  • Club Merchandise

    Mike Buchanan -
    Responsible for: sourcing CCCUK merchandise and making it available for purchase by members and the public.

  • Corvette Nationals

    Stuart Curtis -
    Responsible for: organising the annual CCCUK national summer show.

  • Magazine Editor / Media Officer

    Colin Bruce -
    Responsible for: gathering and editing content for the bi-monthly CCCUK magazine.


As well as the committee there are a couple of other roles to take care of other things:

  • Magazine composition

    Jonny Bens -
    Responsible for: arranging the magazine content into a beautiful format every two months.

  • Online support

    Position Vacant! - please contact the membership secretary if you would like to volunteer.
    Responsible for: helping members and users of the website.

  • Ambassador to the National Corvette Museum, Bowling Green, USA

    Mike Buchanan -
    Responsible for: assisting any Member who is planning a trip to the National Corvette Museum or Corvette Assembly Plant.

  • Published
    6 January 2019
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