I've been working forward on the electrics just rechecking that everything is working ok before trying to get the engine started. To finish this preliminary check off I have worked on the courtesy lights and the indicators.
The courtesy lights are fairly straightforward especially if you remember that the door opener circuits work on the front set of door switches rather than the rear set which are principally for the alarm.

However it 's nice to know that the rear door pair will be all ready for when I start looking at the alarm arrangement. The courtesy light at the rear of the compartment is different from the front two in that it has two contact points and the bulb casing is not electrically active (ie not an earth). It's not a problem as these are easily available, you just need to know this to order the right one. Yes, i have one of the other ones spare if anybody would like one. I have replaced it with a bright white LED.
I have replaced all the lights with LEDs, although the indicators are a little bit more tricky as the relay has to be changed too as there isn't enough current in the circuit to operate the old style bimetallic strip in the relays that were originally fitted, like this one for the hazard flasher.

I had first tried this converting the indicators to LEDs with a relay with three connectors.. This can be made to work but it requires the connector on the Corvette to be rewired as the pin arrangement is different, or by using a rather clumsy adaptor.
Much better is the type shown below which has two prongs as shown in the pic below. These have been produced especially for classic cars.

As with the previous blue relay it fits quite nicely under the scuttle even though it is a little larger. It has an extra flying lead that needs to go to earth, in this case the hinge post. This (classic) flasher also has a more sedate flash than the modern equivalent which is a little frantic (although probably still legal) and has a reassuring 'click' when it flashes, which the modern three prong type doesn't. Whether this can be heard over a small block remains to be seen (or heard). You can also see the front courtesy light LED.

...and here is a quick video.
Plenty of other Corvette LED light conversion videos can be found on YouTube, but this is my set up so you can see how it ends up.....