Hi all
Applications are now open to display your vehicle at SpeedFest 9 All vehicles will receive 50% off the general admission ticket price for the driver, with a further 50% discount for one passenger.
It would be helpful if you can book ASAP. we can then apply for more spaces.
Register with MSV and follow the online Registration click car club Classic Corvette Club uk.
PLEASE READ: ONE half price vehicle pass which includes admission for the driver (Only). You will also receive half price discount on ONE general admission ticket if purchased alongside vehicle display pass.
SpeedFest 9 | Brands Hatch American SpeedFest the UK's biggest American car show .to complete your club application.
Please note any passengers will need a valid ticket, 50% discount when purchasing Driver and Car
Meeting details will be sent out closer to the event, it will be in the usual layby
Gary & Rob
Gary Garwood
Kent Region Representative
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