Car and Driver test of a 1968 C3 Corvette

Derek Nicol

Well-known user
A Corvette and a front-mounted corn picker have something in common. You never know where the front end ends because the long, shark-like snout disappears beyond the horizon. Parking is only moderately dangerous, but all the while it's parked you live in fear of returning to find the Corvette's pointy noise blunted by the hind end of a deaf spinster's Crunchmobile.


CCCUK Member
PIcked up on this early Car and Driver test on a 427 cu in 1968 Corvette - interesting 'take' on the car perhaps.......?
A very interesting read . Hardly a literary masterpiece but it was 1968 after all ! The comments on US build quality in general and Corvette in particular was particularly salient I thought . :rolleyes: