classic car meets - 3 locations Northampton & Leicester

Baron von Del Boy

Well-known user
Midweek late afternoon/ early evening car meets at x3 locations, Earls Barton (between Northampton and Wellingborough), Towcester (betweenish Northampton and Milton Keynes) and Hallaton (between Corby and Leicester).
Ive not been to one of these yet but im booked in for Earls Barton and Towcester for June 2021 so i will be able to feedback my impressions after ive been.
Clicky linky thingy >> Classic Car and Bike Meet

Edit: Been now!.. couple of pics..

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CCCUK Member
Earls Barton is a good one. Loads of cars. I gather there are a few CCCUK members that sometimes attend.

I’ve never been to the Towcester one. Is it the one at Jacks Hill Cafe?

If you fancy a drive over to South/East Warwickshire then there are also regular monthly meets at the British Motor Museum in Gaydon, as well as local ones in Kineton and Southam. There’s also the Butty Run at the Long Itch Diner, which is mainly Americana. 👍🏻


CCCUK Member
Don`t know what you guys thought about Towcester , but too many moderns of no real esoteric importance in my opinion . But the real peaches were very peachy indeed .

Baron von Del Boy

Well-known user
JULY tickets are now on sale.
Oh.. i did say i would feed back my impressions..
I would give Earls Barton an 8 out of 10 and ive already rebooked for July.
Towcester 6 out of 10. My score may have been adversely affected by me arriving so late, it might get upgraded to a 7 next time.
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Baron von Del Boy

Well-known user
Spotted the car of the meet tonight before i had even parked, didnt get to see who the owner is (a club member?)...
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a couple of seconds later spotted the 2nd most interesting car, this very nice kit car which i presume is about to be restored...
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A couple of hours later and the heavens opened, my cars first proper rain test and it coped surprisingly well, very minimal cabin leakage.. just a couple of drops. Got a wet left leg from driving home with the window open to prevent the windows from misting (no heating, A/C, working vent controls or fan). The rear window demister works.. well the first wire on the passenger side does anyway.