Corvette Nationals it's a wrap

Mr. Cricket

Committee Member
Had a fabulous weekend meeting friends and making new friends while surrounded by a lot of Corvettes. Looks like 56 on Sat and 144 on Sunday with more than 150 distinct Corvettes so thanks to everyone that attended either day! The boss man Pete attended the washout last year so didn't get to see all that Sywell has to offer so I'm thankful the weather was perfect all weekend, dry and not too hot showcasing this amazing venue for him and indeed everyone. For Tom Falconer who popped in on Sunday to say it was the best since the very first one that makes it all worthwhile. At the AGM I did say three years is enough and it's time for someone new with new idea's but I wouldn't quit the role until a replacement was found. I've decided to hang in there after enjoying last weekend so much.

Lastly thanks to my fellow committee members for their help and support and to everyone that helped out over the weekend.


On my phone so excuse any spelling errors 😁


Perhaps Stuart (and much like some of the regional reps) perhaps the Nationals Organiser role could be a 'two hander' - share the load with another member?


Chairman, CCCUK.
We had a great weekend and I agree that Sywell is an excellent location for the CCCUK's Nationals. You did a great job of organising the whole thing Stuart and the rest of us were happy to help to make it happen. I'm personally delighted that you're willing to do it again and I'm sure everyone who attended this year will look forward to hearing any announcements that may be forthcoming about Nats'25 😁