Hello again everyone
After speaking to a long serving member yesterday on the phone who had concerns about the Pageant show and the Corvette Club in previous years, I just called the organisers of the Enfield Pageant show and confirmed eligibility and status of cars to be displayed etc...unfortunately post 1989 cars are not allowed into the show

You are still welcome to come with your cars but any post 1989 cars cannot enter the field and will have to stay in the car park.
It is too late for me to setup a car club area (Even though I tried hard to change their minds) but now that I aware of how this works, I will do it for certain next year and from now on!
Please do come to the event however, I will be there with my car at least on Saturday and probably Corvette-less on Sunday/Monday as I like to wander around the stalls and talk to other car owners etc.
I usually park at the far end of the field and will welcome anyone who comes along for a chat etc.
Apologies in advance everyone.