From a challenger to a c5


Regular user
Well I’ve had my c5 six months on the 1st of may and will have put 12k miles on it in six months with only one issue of a belt in that time so I can quite happily say I’m enjoying the c5! Not met anyone yet but plan on doing some northwest / Shropshire meets etc this year ! More than likely some will have seen me about with the miles I do 🤣🤣🤣


Chairman, CCCUK.
Great to hear that you're enjoying your C5, they are great cars! There is an active club region in the North West so I'm sure you'll meet up with some of them soon... maybe you should consider going to the Lakes gathering in September? Keep an eye on Vette News for details 👍


"From a Challenger to a C5".........reminds me of an old song - "From a Jack to a King".............. really my choice of music style though!