David A Wright
Regular user
I am looking for help with an issue , ongoing since November last year. The original power steering rack worked fine but started leaking, and last November I was supplied with a replacement from ZIP in USA. The replacement was faulty and made the car harder than the original to steer at low speed. After a lot of trans-Atlantic negotiations a second replacement was provided. This too has been found to be 'unfit for purpose' This week I'm up to the third PSR swap. I have the original unit out of the car and the first replacement unit in the car. I've had enough with the substandard (remanufactured) units supplied by ZIP. I believe my best option is to have the original unit refurbished. I've previously spoken to local refurbishment specialists without any success.
So, can anyone recommend a UK based power steering specialist capable of refurbishing my original unit including the oil leak?
So, can anyone recommend a UK based power steering specialist capable of refurbishing my original unit including the oil leak?