Somerset Traction Engine Club Show


CCCUK Member
A fun day out at my first steam show of the year this weekend, over near Langport in Somerset. Weather was good on the Sunday when we went. Lots of cars, steamers, trucks etc. Only put up a few photos though. Shockingly though the people running it didn't know what a Corvette was ! My first time around the ring I couldn't really hear the commentators, but my family sat at the outside said they basically said nothing about my Corvette - normally they say some little bits about each vehicle as they pass the commentator box. Didn't think much of it until later when I was going around the ring for the final exit parade and they were commentating on cars entering and on exit. Mine on entry was just "now we have an American car" (I had windows open and was next to the loudspeaker).... and on exit heard them say something like "I'm not sure what is..." and was about to talk about the next car when suddenly they said "oh its a Corvette as it says so on the back". Geesh.... I know us Brits aren't that versed in US cars, but things like Mustangs and Corvettes are well known cars that have been running for decades. Still, made me laugh.

Rest of the show was really good, nice and relaxed.


CCCUK Member
A fun day out at my first steam show of the year this weekend, over near Langport in Somerset. Weather was good on the Sunday when we went. Lots of cars, steamers, trucks etc. Only put up a few photos though. Shockingly though the people running it didn't know what a Corvette was ! My first time around the ring I couldn't really hear the commentators, but my family sat at the outside said they basically said nothing about my Corvette - normally they say some little bits about each vehicle as they pass the commentator box. Didn't think much of it until later when I was going around the ring for the final exit parade and they were commentating on cars entering and on exit. Mine on entry was just "now we have an American car" (I had windows open and was next to the loudspeaker).... and on exit heard them say something like "I'm not sure what is..." and was about to talk about the next car when suddenly they said "oh its a Corvette as it says so on the back". Geesh.... I know us Brits aren't that versed in US cars, but things like Mustangs and Corvettes are well known cars that have been running for decades. Still, made me laugh.

Rest of the show was really good, nice and relaxed.
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Love them Trackshun injins ( said in Zummerzet accent ) :ROFLMAO: No elf and safety in the days of that circular saw !! Nice pics and nice cars cars too Captain . (y)


CCCUK Member
I have more photos, but I figured just them few would do. And yeah, the circular saw is great, and lovely to see how it was done before health and safety came along.