Stars & Stripes Classic American - Tatton Park, Cheshire

Stars & Stripes Classic American - Tatton Park, Cheshire
Posted by Sarah J K
Tatton Park Gardens
Sat 3 Jul 2021 - 10:00
Until: Sun 4 Jul 2021 - 16:00
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates

Mr. Cricket

Committee Member
The CCCUK have now been granted a large space for a Stars and Strips club stand. I have suggested a total of 50 Corvettes may attend so they will now issue those tickets to the club not individuals. As rep for the area I'll soon be canvasing members that do intend attending Saturday, Sunday or both days to confirm numbers. The same also applies to the Passion for Power and the Classic at the same venue which will be combined this year.

Sarah J K

Well-known user
SELLING WELL – 40% taken so tickets allocated on a First Come basis !
We have secured a CCCUK club stand at Stars & Stripes Classic American this year for some 50 Corvettes in a good location on the field away from the dusty track. If you would like to attend please contact Stuart Curtis our North West Rep with details : full name, Corvette details and what day you would like to show the car - sat/sun or both days as we have to submit this information to the organiser.

Mr. Cricket

Committee Member
Still room on the Stars & Stripes CCCUK club stand 3rd & 4th July to be had especially for members outside the NW region that travel to this event. Email me direct if you wish to be added for one or both days.

List to date:

S&S 2021.PNG

Stuart (NW rep)