Warning - C8 Stingray Owners - Do NOT have this done :-(


Supporting vendor
As you may have read, one vendor has cracked just the GM Global B security for the PCM of the C8 LT2 engine
At this time, cannot tune the TCM for the DCT

To do this, you will (or have to pay for someone to do this) have to get the C8 high enough and take off the whole center plate of tunnel
to disconnect the wiring connectors and take out the PCM and have the car non-driveable as you ship the PCM to a hacker for $1,500 plus roundtrip shipping

This vendor hack on the PCM hardware to hack the Global B security which now makes the PCM non-normal and leads to GM warranty ripped up,
C8 could fail smog testing, may prevent GM electronic test tools to not function and maybe no longer for the C8 to do OTA updates

If that PCM fails, you have to start all over again in total costs.

Now add about $1,000 for the tuning tool and the crooks of the tuning product requires you give them another $400 for so-called "credits"

IF you are not a tuner and must have some tuner do yours than you will have to get the C8 Stingray (Z06 not supported at this time) with the hacked PCM and
these tuners are charging from $3,000 to $4,000 in total tune costs

If this tuned C8, and you're on the road, and it breaks down, since the PCM is hardware hacked you might find no one can work on the C8 to repair

This tuner product has been out for a few weeks, and it's come out now that those who spend that amount of money for a stock C8 Stingray are only getting about 10 HP or less for all that costs and bow have a hardware hacked PCM :mad:

Questions can be
1. Does the tuning tool limited what functions, tables and values it allows to be changed ?
2. Is the person doing these tunes to have no clue to what they are doing ?

3. If OTAs or a dealer auto erase and replace the tune back to GM's calibration or even change the PCM lock and security to prevent engine running ?
