What your BBC Top Gun Thinks of the C8 Stingray


Supporting vendor
I see 2 issues
He states the base C8 in the USA is $60K but in UK $75K
He overlooks you getting a loaded Z51 and not base model

He again gives the UK BS that the Corvette has been good for straight driving but not corners
I hate to inform him but starting with the 1984 C4 was about the first to turn over 1 G in corners and C4 like the ZR-1
broke and held world records for top speed and distance, which was down on a track that had corners



No one in the UK with even half a brain takes any of either the current presenters (or previous the presenters for that matter) seriously. How can you when at least two of them would be afraid to even open the hood. Try asking them a technical question! The show doesn't reflect 'real' driving by driving 'on the street'. So we see the three presenters thashing the hell out of cars they don't own and don't have any worries about damaging them. All that wasted motion with the traction control switched off smoking hundreds (thousands) of £'s pr $'s worth of rubber theyt don't have to pay for means........nothing. The only one of the three presenters with any historic racing skills who can keep a car on the road is Chris Harris.......and he is biased totally towards German cars.
Seems to me that the only people who take the programme seriously are the AH's with too much money to spend with similar driving abilities to the presenters.
The only driver ever seen on the show that received universal appreciation and recognition for their very real skills was the late Sabrina Schmidt.
Perhaps we should all be thankful. We all know how good a car the Corvette really is. We wouldn't really want all the AH's out there buying the cars and depleting the already far too few numbers available on the market - would we?


CCCUK Member
+1 to Sabine. She was good on Top Gear, and just had legendary driving skills. It really would be nice if we actually had more car people on Top Gear (as in people who can drive, not wannabes).