Yorkshire Motorsport Festival Holmfirth, West Yorks

Yorkshire Motorsport Festival Holmfirth, West Yorks
Posted by Sarah J K
Meltham, Holmfirth
Fri 25 Jun 2021 - 09:00
Until: Sun 27 Jun 2021 - 17:00
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates

Sarah J K

Well-known user
Registered for Club Space which will provide CCCUK members with discounted ticket prices. Once all the information has been received will send out and post in the Members Forum. In the meantime further details about the site and activities taking place over the Festival weekend please visit the organisers website : Yorkshire Motorsport Festival 2021.

Sarah J K

Well-known user
UPDATE : I have the details of CCCUK club members who bought tickets for last year before it was cancelled. We can add to that group so any club members wanting to attend this year please contact me with your membership details and I will let you know the details. Thanks


  • Press Release 14th April.pdf
    120.3 KB · Views: 1

Sarah J K

Well-known user
The tickets are general admission tickets (as shown on their web site) so there appears to be no reason why not. I would offer to ask but the organisers are not great at getting back to me.

Sarah J K

Well-known user
The club entry deadline (including discount) has now passed and we have 10 CCCUK members booked to attend. Sunday is the preferred day for the majority, which could of course change depending on the weather.

Mr. Cricket

Committee Member
The club entry deadline (including discount) has now passed and we have 10 CCCUK members booked to attend. Sunday is the preferred day for the majority, which could of course change depending on the weather.

Very surprised that we could only get 10 between the NW & Yorkshire regions but it wasn't for the lack of trying...

Sarah J K

Well-known user
The Yorkshire Motorsport Festival is set to go on Friday 25th June and will run for three days as planned. The Organisers have had to make some changes to the organisation of the event in the current COVID-19 climate.

The Festival organisers, in close consultation with Kirklees council have embraced the wider COVID-19 issues and the ever-changing landscape, taking the difficult decision to limit the sale of tickets to accommodate a maximum of 4,000 per day. This restriction will remain in place regardless of any lifting of COVID-19 restrictions on or before 21st June.

As a further precaution, the acreage over which the Festival will be staged has been increased, thereby ensuring that, coupled with the restriction on numbers, there will be more than adequate space to ensure that social distancing at the Festival, will not be an issue.

Recognising the current restrictions, and given that headline acts would attract larger numbers of people, the Festival are no longer offering MUSIC-ONLY TICKETS and will be showcasing local bands and musicians only. Day and Weekend Ticket Holders will have sole access to the live music stage.

The reduced numbers means that instances of bottle-necks will be reduced, thereby helping to ensure social-distancing and the smooth flow of attendees on the day.

The Yorkshire Motorsport Festival is the first of its kind to the region and will attract motor enthusiasts and festival goers alike.

The Wolfstones Hill Climb is a first for Yorkshire, being the first ever Hill Climb in the county to have road closures put in place, and will be a draw for the diehard petrol heads, with over 80 classic and high profile drivers and vintage cars taking part each day.

Families and enthusiasts alike can enjoy displays of vintage vehicles, trucks, plant machinery, American hot rods, supercars and an extensive engineering village. There is a full line-up of live music, a shopping village, artisan food and drink stalls and fun fair. Demonstrations and activities including thrilling car stunts, sheep theatre, Formula One demos, driver simulators and much more will be taking place over the 3 days of the Festival. The aerial display has had to be cancelled due to safety issues and will not be featured this year.

Sarah J K

Well-known user
This has just appeared on the YSMF website .


All spectators and competitors must complete a negative lateral flow test before entry is granted into the Festival. The test kits are freely available from pharmacists. After completing the test, please upload your results to the NHS portal. This will trigger a text message to your phone. This must be shown to gain entry to the Festival.

Sarah J K

Well-known user
That notice I posted about testing no longer appears on the site and I have no information from them. Suggest you go prepared.

Sarah J K

Well-known user
Eagle eyes have spotted they have added dedicated Covid info. but its not always visible - it depends how you get to the website. Apparently everyone needs a negative Track and Trace confirmation from the NHS website - the test to be taken within 48 hours of arrival. A negative test for the Friday will last the whole weekend . its possibly slightly hidden by an image you need to close.

Remember that attendance is at your own personal risk, please be sure you are satisfied that you have all the necessary COVID information from the event provider before making the decision to attend.