You sure you want these on your C8 Z06 ?


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Here is damage to carbon fiber wheels seen with Fords that simple hard hit on curbs, the spokes are breaking right off the rims

Think about it as the spokes are not single molded as part of rim but installed to the rims
Think again before buying the high dollar ones for the C8 Z06



Both OEM and aftermarket wheel manufacturers have increasingly a lot to answer for - they design wheels that both the outer part of the rim and in most cases the wheel centres protude out past the tyre wall. That is such poor design, Gone are the days when some tyre manufacturers used to provide tyres with a moulded-in 'kerbing' strip......not that that was much use with some of 'todays' low profile tyres. I know some will say that its all down to the far lower aspect ratio of tyres over the last 20 or thirty years......perhaps.......but C3 Corvette tyres were considered low profile at 70% in the late 60's - with the steel rims you might 'sacrifice' some scrapes to the trim rings and 'ordinary' cars with steel wheels might have some scrapes to the rims but nothing like you see today.


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Considering for the C8 Z06, option

ROZVisible Carbon Fiber Wheels$11,995

Be one hell of a cost to replace damaged wheels, I cannot understand why people are so hyped up wanting these ?



Just image Jo - worst case scenario. You are travelling at speed - hit a kerb - carbon fibre wheel shatters, probably wrecking your $600 tyre - car is still travelling at, say 60 mph so your ceramic brake disc take 'a ride' and is even more expensive day perhaps?