About the CCCUK

Find out all about the CCCUK.

The Classic Corvette Club UK is the only national club catering for fans and owners of the Corvette. With regional and national meetings every year, a range of merchandise and benefits available, we really have something for everyone.

The committee

The Classic Corvette Club UK is run at a national level by a committee of elected volunteers, who meet several times a year to discuss the club, the membership, the Nationals show and the CCCUK's relationship with third parties.

Around the UK are regional representatives who organise local events on behalf of the CCCUK members in their region.

To contact the CCCUK please visit our 'Contact us' page.

The Nationals show

Every summer the CCCUK runs a national show for Corvettes and other marques. Details of past shows and the upcoming show can usually be found in the dedicated forum.

The CCCUK - some history

The Club was formed in 1979 by three Corvette enthusiasts - Alan Hatfield, John Sansbury and John Gooch - when they were seeking a way to access a "club only" car show and as a result of this the Classic Corvette Club UK was born. Within 12 months, membership quickly climbed to over 100.

With the interest in classic and sports cars never waning and although the recent global economic downturn has affected all social activities, today the Club has in excess of 950 members, which includes Corvettes from every year of manufacture, except 1953.

Since 1979 we have built up a considerable knowledge of all aspects of Corvette ownership, which is available to club members. Furthermore, you will be joining one of the most enthusiastic and friendly car clubs there is, where our over-riding passion is our absolute love of the marque.

We welcome anyone (including members from overseas) and any year of Corvette, whether it be original, restored, customised or awaiting restoration. Corvette ownership is not essential to becoming a member, with many people joining simply to learn about Corvettes prior to acquisition, and we are delighted to help them.

Whether you're concerned about an odd noise or conducting a body-off restoration, we have technical experts and members who can offer the benefit of their many years' experience covering all years and models.

A year's membership of the CCCUK is only £45 and includes spouses or partners. Today we are particularly proud of the fact that we are the premier national UK club that is solely dedicated to the Corvette.

Aims of the club

With no hint of a boy-racer image, the Corvette enjoys a highly regarded status amongst both the sports and classic car fraternity; we aim to further the interest and pleasure of Corvette ownership. We appreciate that owning a Corvette in the UK can be very different when we are 3000 miles from the USA, but we are dedicated to improving the knowledge and status of the cars, plus having some fun along the way.

  • Published
    21 November 2018
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