C6 Grand Sport


CCCUK Member
Two questions for those that might know. 馃

1) Are there many C6 Grand Sports in the UK?

2) What sort of money do they command?

Thanks in advance. 馃憤


Perhaps Rich Rogers can help answer this one (he used a superb red C6 GS before his Camaro) - there seems to be very few GS's around. My 'take' is that they (being a much later car) seem to get prices on a par (or perhaps even better) than the earlier C6Z06 which it sharing much of same body, wheel sizes configuration with - much the case of the 'sheep in wolves clothing' perhaps being the preferred choice for many?


The 2013 UK Spec Manchester United allocation were 6 Grand Sports. If I were to sell the one I used to have, I would be asking around 拢35k as it was a convertible. Not sure how many imported Grand Sports there are but there can't be many as they are rarely up for sale. Mine went to Norway in 2017.


CCCUK Member
The 2013 UK Spec Manchester United allocation were 6 Grand Sports. If I were to sell the one I used to have, I would be asking around 拢35k as it was a convertible. Not sure how many imported Grand Sports there are but there can't be many as they are rarely up for sale. Mine went to Norway in 2017.
Interesting, thanks Rich.

I can't recall but did you ever have a C6 or C6 Z51 prior to the GS?

Just wondering what the improvements were beyond the wide body and brakes etc (same as the Z51? 馃)

Ironically I was guessing about 拢35k and sitting in Z06 territory.


I had a 2008 LS3 Coupe before the GS. Both were UK spec Z51. I don't think there was much difference, and I certainly didn't notice any. However, I could drive the GS at 70mph with the roof down and windows open, but the wind noise at 70mph in the coupe with the roof off was unbearable. Go figure.......
The Z06 is probably more desirable for the perfomance and those that yearn for the kudos of a Z06 badge, but I would have the GS every time. Just couldn't get on with the colour combo on mine. Red exterior with red interior which didn't match. Too much red and not a scrap of yellow in sight.
Goodness knows where the other Man Utd ones went but there was a silver coupe which, at the time I bought mine, was to be avoided. Caveat Emptor etc. but I think you're old enough, Graham, not to have me lecture you.


CCCUK Member
I had a 2008 LS3 Coupe before the GS. Both were UK spec Z51. I don't think there was much difference, and I certainly didn't notice any. However, I could drive the GS at 70mph with the roof down and windows open, but the wind noise at 70mph in the coupe with the roof off was unbearable. Go figure.......
Excellent information, thank you Rich. 馃憤馃槑

The Z06 (or any manual) are sadly not an option for me now, but I think I'd notice some reasonable changes going from a 2007 LS2 Z51 to a LS3 GS with around 5 more years of Corvette tweaks.

I have a (fortunate) vehicle & Corvette conundrum going at the moment that involves a dual Corvette combination from between a C7, C6 GS, C3 and my current C6 Z51 (along with changing my work vehicle.)

I'm hoping one of the above is already in place but not sure which second Corvette will win out.

The battle is raging, so looking forward to exiting lockdown to try a few vehicles over the summer.

Thanks again, hope to see you along the way Sir!