2005 C6 6SPD Z51 Service Traction & Engine Limp mode


Busy user
Hi all,

I purchased a nice C6 yesterday which was faultless in the test drive and some 175 miles home. Went to work this morning no issues either but when coming home after some spirited driving on the way back I got a service traction message and now the engine is in limp mode. The battery is only 4 months old. I was wondering if anyone had any pointers? I'm used to the more primitive C4 electronics.

Thanks in advance


CCCUK Member
Get the codes read would be my suggestion.
C6 is OBD2 so any generic reader will read engine codes. The chassis, ABS and airbag will need a more sophisticated reader

As it’s gone into limp mode on the engine it might well be related to an engine issue (don’t panic I’m not implying there’s any impending doom) so anyone will be able to read that and see if it’s the issue.


Supporting vendor
Get the codes read would be my suggestion.
C6 is OBD2 so any generic reader will read engine codes. The chassis, ABS and airbag will need a more sophisticated reader

As it’s gone into limp mode on the engine it might well be related to an engine issue (don’t panic I’m not implying there’s any impending doom) so anyone will be able to read that and see if it’s the issue.

I agree and make sure if using a code reader or a OBD-II scanner that it supports GM's enhanced DTCs
Traction control, could be an issue if your C5 has the magnaride electronic shocks or an issue with the EBCM controller

Limp mode can happen if PCM does not think the drive by wire is 100% or some type of unmetered air leak
Check from the aircleaner, the airbridge from cleaner to throttle body that there is no air leaks at all,
the MAF that is in airbridge or it's wiring

You could disconnect one battery lead just for a few seconds and that would clear all DTCs and then see if the problem comes
right back again and if same DTCs tripped
Need to know though what all GM DTCs are too narrow it down more


CCCUK Member
Just a thought - did "spirited driving" involve sliding the car, particularly on sand or gravel? I've had a couple of cars, including my C5 Corvette, where the ABS/traction system would get its knickers in a twist if the car was driven on a loose surface. Cars are particularly susceptible to this loose surface problem if they've just been started.

As you may appreciate the ABS/traction computer is comparing rotation speed of each of the 4 wheels and trying to make sense of it all in the context of steering angle etc. If it senses rotation speeds it doesn't understand it'll either (a) intervene to stabilise the car or, if it's confused, (b) assume there's a fault and start throwing warnings.

To sort my cars out I would make sure they were driven in a straight line from a re-start so the computer got to see all the wheels rotating exactly the same speed and then it would settle down.

Your issue sounds a bit different but should become clearer with the codes read. May well be a wheel sensor or something like that. It's possible the engine has been reined in to stop the car being driven quickly in what the computer thinks is an unsafe condition.


Busy user
Thanks guys. When I disconnected the battery the negative terminal was a bit loose and it hasn't come back since. Fingers crossed that was the problem