Ok - here goes! Starting with the HVAC ducting....Lots of pics then please.
The HVAC centre module wasn't in too bad a shape but one or two areas of surface rust needed to be dealt with.. Here it is, part way through strip down

All stripped and cleaned it looks like this...

Reassembled.... the 'blue' refers to the stripe on the pipe that connects to the top of the actuator, the red pipe attaches to the other side. This should help speed up final assembly if I don't have to think too much about where everything goes.

The ducts joined to this module were in ok shape but the internal springs that keep the vents in place were quite rusty..

All other bits of metal bracketry or guides were removed, any rust treated, painted and then replaced with new rivets... eg in the centre module duct

Then a trial assembly in the car..... the attachment holes on the lower windscreen surround for the central demister duct are missing so its being held up with tape until I can drill some holes and fix them properly in place. It will all have to come off again to get insulation and wiring in place (I think) so nothing permanent for now anyway.

Whilst I was in this area I rebuilt the hood release mechanism that had seized up. The sheath had also split. So a new length of sheath was cut to length, greased and fitted.

A new grommet was installed on the firewall. This was a real challenge - you need arms like an Olympic swimmer to hold the grommet on one side of the firewall and manipulate it into place on the other.... It took about an hour to get it all tidy. Just now need to find the clamp for the hood release and then that is done. I've got a boot for the end of the sheath somewhere too...

The two HVAC valves in front of the door on the passenger side of the car need to be replaced/rebuilt so that's on the list for this week. As is the driver's aircon module and hoses, and the dash wiring and insulation. I also want to try and test this part of the set up prior to moving on to other areas so that's something for me to think about. More to follow....