Corvette vs Mustang


CCCUK Member
Love the car chase in the seven ups. Just watched the clip, lovely to see all the US iron parked up on the NYC city streets. If you see it now, nearly everything is foreign, and what US iron is parked up, its a SUV. How times have changed stateside. I think myself very fortunate to have seen the US full of American cars back in the day.


CCCUK Member
I have friends who live in Queens, they are into old cars and drive American, but all the neighbors drive foreign.


CCCUK Member
I think the Bullitt chase soundtrack was also used on/in the seven ups, the old Ventura had a six speed transmission. Bill Hickman looked a lot fatter in the face than he did in bullitt, of course their was a five year difference between films. He looked very 1960’s in bullitt, but soo early 70’s in the seven ups with his long hair. A great driver.
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