Forum new look: feedback


CCCUK Member
Firstly apologies if wrong section - please feel free to move.

Please could you perhaps review or collect further feedback on this new look website? Too many pictures and navigation is frustrating. Particularly annoying on mobile devices as you have to scroll forever.

Forums I find work best when everything is simply listed vertically.

Sorry for negativity!


CCCUK Member
Personally I like it. Looks professional & much more inviting. It fits a mobile screen much better than before. Pictures heading up the various sections & a tab for new post at the top. I think it will draw in more first time viewers because of the look & layout.

Daytona Vette

Well-known user
Not looked at it in detail yet, but certainly looks crisper and more professional, the Homepage now Showing images of the different model Vettes across the years is a must for those inspired towards Vette purchase and new to the Forum - It satisfies the desire to see an image of what interests them.


CCCUK Member
Fair comments about new users etc.
I guess I'm just an engineer who follows function over form!


CCCUK Member
I agree with HJG and think it is unnecessarily fussy and not intuitive in the way you navigate it . But then I am an engineer too !


CCCUK Member
It seems rather like change for change's sake - neither significantly better nor worse than before. I find the transparency of the header when navigating posts distracting (or is that just my browser?)


CCCUK Member
Antijam , totally agree with your comments . There was nothing wrong with the old one . Sorry to who ever put a lot of work in on the revamp , but all those pictures scattered all over the place is very distracting to my simple mind !


Have to say I'm with Chuffer on this - didn't see a reason to make another change - it seems to have increased the 'footprint' of text and graphics.

Daytona Vette

Well-known user
Had a quick look at the Mobile Site last Night- From the perspective of New Users, Function for all of us and the soliciting of New Members
The Header image does not show the different Marques of Vettes
The Nights at the Round Table looks more like a Formal meeting than a social gathering of friends - it is a Club, lets show the Camaraderie
For non-Members tell them what they do not have access to, such as "Events" (other than CCCUK National Events of course), "For Sale" and "Wanted" sections and most important for prospective purchasers of Vettes /prospective Members, Car buying Guides, also maybe read Posts but not be able to comment or ask a question? - By Gad give them a reason or two to Join.
Too many Corvette Club Emblems used as spacers every where - reduce and that would reduce the scrolling
The above is not meant as critique, just how I would do it


CCCUK Member
Had a quick look at the Mobile Site last Night- From the perspective of New Users, Function for all of us and the soliciting of New Members
The Header image does not show the different Marques of Vettes
The Nights at the Round Table looks more like a Formal meeting than a social gathering of friends - it is a Club, lets show the Camaraderie
For non-Members tell them what they do not have access to, such as "Events" (other than CCCUK National Events of course), "For Sale" and "Wanted" sections and most important for prospective purchasers of Vettes /prospective Members, Car buying Guides, also maybe read Posts but not be able to comment or ask a question? - By Gad give them a reason or two to Join.
Too many Corvette Club Emblems used as spacers every where - reduce and that would reduce the scrolling
The above is not meant as critique, just how I would do it
Agree , agree , agree .


CCCUK Member
I've not really studied all of the features of the 'new look' website. For my part it looks modern, did it need changing? Others must have thought it was necessary so I'll go with the flow.
One thing I would like to have changed if possible - the 'latest posts' should show more in my opinion. If the website has been 'busy' then some new posts will drop off the bottom & therefore missed by many. Could the 'latest post' list be extended to ten?
Just my ten penneth.


CCCUK Member
Another ten penneth from me . Modern means art for arts sake in my book , but I am self confessed Luddite . If it ain`t broke , don`t fix it !!


Thank you for all your comments. In an attempt to provide some background on the decison to revamp the Website I have posted some comments within April's Chairman's Update here:


Well-known user
Could a committee member kindly email me details of how to now post an events thread on the new look website, as i'm obviously not now getting it correct.
Other than that the new upgraded site looks good, PS website looks better on laptop than on mobile phone.


Could a committee member kindly email me details of how to now post an events thread on the new look website, as i'm obviously not now getting it correct.
Other than that the new upgraded site looks good, PS website looks better on laptop than on mobile phone.
No problem, Keith. I have asked Sarah to contact you.


CCCUK Member
I like the new website, but as I've mentioned before I wish posts didn't 'drop off the end' of the recent posts list.
I occasionally use Corvette Forum in the US for info etc and find their list of recent posts as long as my device will allow, 55 posts to view on my PC before I need to go to page 2.
Not taking anything away from those who've spent considerable time & effort into producing the new site, but could a longer list be considered?


Graham - Happy to take this up with the Website guys but could you elaborate please?
Are we talking phone, tablet or PC? The facility is already there to view all posts that you haven't read since your last log in. Also. the "What's New" tab will last the last 10 posts with the option to add 10 more at a time.
I log in probably 6 or 7 times a day and have the link to the "New Posts" in my PC favourites bar which takes me straight there.


CCCUK Member
Morning Rich, I always view the site on the PC but you've actually answered the question. If I'd spent a bit more time looking around the new site I'd have noticed the 'what's new' tab. Great - many thanks.