I dare you listen to this for 12 minutes :-)


Supporting vendor
Is this now Corvette marketing in the UK ?

Something about an RHD E-Ray, though I am guessing :)


Rich Steel

CCCUK Member
And that we all live in London and know the King . :ROFLMAO:
True story... I first went to the US with the "Anglo American Intercultural Society" as a schoolboy in 1969. For part of the trip I stayed with a family in Philadeplhia and got to go to parties and socialise with kids there my age. Next to their fascination with my accent (not exactly Queen's English, I'm afraid - very poor and ill-spoken background) the most common question was "Do you know the Beatles?" "Of course", I answered (the first time). "Oh, wow what's Paul like?" They thought, in such a small counntry, we all must know one another!


CCCUK Member
I’ve lost count how many times I’ve been asked “do you know the Queen” over the years. I’ve always replied “No, do you know your president”


The opposite here in UK could also be true when we hear that many Americans are perhaps unaware and ignorant of things that happen elsewhere in the world not having national TV and radio networks as we have here in the UK.
The UK's landmass is 94,060 square miles........the state of California is 163,696 square miles........almost double the size of the UK. Texas is 268,581 square miles, nearly three times the size of the UK. The state of Michigan is the closest in size to the UK at 96,714 square miles, although there are plenty of smaller states. Makes one think doesn't it?

Rich Steel

CCCUK Member
The opposite here in UK could also be true when we hear that many Americans are perhaps unaware and ignorant of things that happen elsewhere in the world not having national TV and radio networks as we have here in the UK.
The UK's landmass is 94,060 square miles........the state of California is 163,696 square miles........almost double the size of the UK. Texas is 268,581 square miles, nearly three times the size of the UK. The state of Michigan is the closest in size to the UK at 96,714 square miles, although there are plenty of smaller states. Makes one think doesn't it?
Hmmm... Michigan population around 10.5 million. UK, around 68 Million... 🤔


CCCUK Member
The majority of Americans think the world ends at the east and west coast. They have no interest in other countries. At least that’s what I’ve come to see in the southern states FL, GA, AL, SC , NC ,
I was in Mississippi going into the piggly wiggly ( a supermarket) when a chap noticed my accent and asked me where we were from. London England the UK I replied. He then asked me how long did it take to drive here.


CCCUK Member
Interesting you should mention Piggly Wiggly. Opened in 1916 it was the first self-service grocery store and can reasonably claim to be the originator of the Supermarket. The chain is still alive and well in the Southern and Mid-western states. What really caught my eye was it reminded me that the odd name inspired a 1929 recording by the great Jazz clarinettist Johnny Dodds and that I still have an original recording in my collection.

Sorry for the diversion - the tug of nostalgia is hard to resist.:)


CCCUK Member
We had a piggly Wiggly in Clearwater until the mid 90’s. My friends still have them in GA and SC.
They were/are a nice friendly local supermarket. They have great Deli counters.