Insurance renewal - unpleasant surprise


Welcome to the 'new' world Jon where every person who is fully legal has to pay for all the illegal mofo's who are either unable to get insured or choose not to pay!


Supporting vendor
Welcome to the 'new' world Jon where every person who is fully legal has to pay for all the illegal mofo's who are either unable to get insured or choose not to pay!

Oh, it gets worse, almost daily now hear about the wetbacks crashing into other vehicles, even people and hit-and-run
leaving legal people to have to pay for all the damage done, including injuries to themselves

In the USA you must have proof of insurance to be able to get a vehicle registered, to get a driver's license or vehicle license plates
yet, these illegals even find a way to buy a vehicle like a GM loan
The wetbacks than drive the car south of the border and never pay at all, (or steal vehicles) thus another reasons insurance companies stick it to us in raising the rates

Also, due to them carjacking is very high here like in cities, happens daily and in some cases those vehicles are then used, like
Crashing the vehicle into stores, to gain inside to steal everything, including ATMs
Last month a woman waiting at a stop light, wetbacks yanked the door open, threw her out of the car,
but the door when closed caught her arm and asshole dragged her for blocks until the arm ripped off and killed her,
so all those insurance costs by them cause our rates to skyrocket


Supporting vendor
Just renewed the insurance on my C3. Went from £96.80 last year to £108.32 - a rise of 12%, which considering I had a (my fault) accident last year and that I'm now seriously into old fart territory at 81, I didn't think was too bad. This was with Adrian Flux and although I searched around as a matter of principle I couldn't find a competitive quote elsewhere.
Flux are usually very competitive on quotes for my three old bangers, although not for my 2016 Mustang this year.
Glad we could help out with your insurance renewal this year.


CCCUK Member
One for Dan please.

My C6 is now fifteen years old, does it now get classified as a classic? Its only used for high days and holidays and so a limited mileage policy would fit the bill just fine.



CCCUK Member
Just had my annual skirmish with Adrian Flux following the festive arrival on Christmas Eve of my '71's insurance renewal . Seems the underwriter had decided that my last year's premium of £108.32 warranted a rise to £286.60. OK, I'm an old fart with an old car but other than the fact that we're both a year older than we were at the last renewal, nothing else significant has changed, so a rise of 165% seemed punitive.
So, I do a trawl of all the other usual suspects and get quotes in the region of £170 to £180. Still a significant rise but given my age and the current financial climate, understandable.
Back to AF and ask what the justification might have been for the hike in premium? Say they'll see if there's room for manoeuvre. Came back today with a revised quote of £165.78. Apparently the underwriter had done some checking and decided that I wasn't as big a risk as they'd thought. What had they checked? I hadn't supplied any additional information so any evidence of my fitness and probity must have been available when they made the first renewal quote.
All right, thank you AF for getting a more reasonable price for renewal - that I have accepted - but could this not have been done without the need for my usual 'what's going on? ' call?
I've two other cars insured with AF and when their renewals become due I've little doubt we shall go through this same tedious process again, so be warned AF, 'pre-haggle' my next renewal quotes or expect more time-wasting phone calls!


CCCUK Member
Same here, every year with Lancaster Insurance. Always a ridiculous quote, I have a moan about it, they mysteriously find a discount they can apply, and it gets lowered (but still higher than last year).
I have both my cars with them. Funniest was insuring the FTO a few years back. At the time it was cosmetically poor, not worth much etc, and they wanted noticeably more for insurance than my C3. I pointed out that the FTO was less powerful than the C3, and also was worth bugger all at the time, so how could they justify an insurance premium higher than my C3? (identical address, identical stored in same garage, identical drivers (me and wife), identical limited 3k miles etc). They soon saw my point and made it lower than the C3.


CCCUK Member
£108.32 does seem very low for the type of vehicle they are insuring. I would have thought
Seems very low to me too . But all brokers pull the same stunts and `fly kites` hoping most people will won`t press them . Threaten so cut the string and they know they will loose their kite and hey presto !! a much better premium miraculously appears !
I had the same issue with my Grand Cherokee V8 renewal just before Christmas . A significant price increase in the renewal quote so did the usual Little Furry Animal comparison test and found a much better quote for the same level of cover . I emailed my current insurer cancelling the policy and received the usual auto reply questions of why I was leaving them and what was my lowest quote . I wouldn`t answer as refuse to play that game . I was about to hit the `Close` button when suddenly a revised quote for a " valued customer " popped up at less than any comparison quotes and only a few quid more than last years premium .


CCCUK Member
One positive side effect of Companies no longer rewarding customer loyalty is that many of us are now well aware that if our insurer can rip us off, they will. Initial renewal prices gamble on the indifference or laziness of the customer to querying it, provided it's not totally outrageous.
I now every year query every renewal regardless. Last year's £108.32 was the result of querying the renewal of the previous year when the cost of the insurance had been £96.80. I can't remember what the renewal quote was but obviously enough of a rise to provoke my reaction.
We now have a balancing act where insurers pitch a quote below the industry norm to attract new business with the expectation that they will recoup this next year with the hopefully unqueried renewal. Of course when we get these renewals bolshie b*ggers like me now get new business quotes from other insurers and then ask our current insurers if they want to 'improve' on their quote. The negative effect of all this is an inevitable rise in the insurance cost norm for a standardised risk, so although we might get a better renewal price, it's still higher than last year.


Whilst the insurance premiums for classic Vettes seems crazy low......most cars are used very little and represent a much reduced risk for the insurer. However....add-on perhaps the very sensible breakdown cover and that 'low' premium increases by about 50%


CCCUK Member
Whilst the insurance premiums for classic Vettes seems crazy low......most cars are used very little and represent a much reduced risk for the insurer. However....add-on perhaps the very sensible breakdown cover and that 'low' premium increases by about 50%
Got to throw in Agreed Valuation to the total bill too .


CCCUK Member
Judging by how many players are now in the “classic car” insurance market compared to say 30 years ago, it’s obvious it’s pretty profitable .
Most “classic Cars” are hardly used, very rarely stolen? and if involved in an accident, it’s usually the other vehicle drivers fault.