Looking for an auto electrician


New user
Hi I have a 2006 C6 The voltage meter fluctuates as i am driving between 14 and 11 and the car occasionally cuts out
I have tried all the usual stuff ( new alternator/ new battery/ clean connections ) but this seems to have stumped my local garages.
I guess I will need a specialist auto electrician who knows about Corvette electrics
I live in Bedfordshire but willing to travel to get this sorted . Any recommendations ?


CCCUK Member
There was talk of the connection to the fuse box coming loose.
I believe the battery goes straight to the starter and then to the fusebox,
might be different to yours, as mine is a Z06. Worth a check and the engine ground as well.


New user
Thanks Blackzed I will have a look
My local garages run a mile because it’s a US vehicle so if any members know of a Corvette friendly garage let me know


CCCUK Member
Have you tried speaking to any of the specialists recommended on here yet? As a new corvette owner I have been using IGS American in Surbiton, great experience so far. Highly recommend.


Supporting vendor
You did not state what model you have and also if it is stock or if mods what they are

You need to use an error code reader, or OBD-II scanner or GM Tech-II and report here if and what the DTCs are
Also need to look and report if anything shows up on the DIC such as

Some owners of a 2005-10 Corvette or 2004-09 XLR may comment that the Service Charging System message displays on the DIC. DTC P0621 is stored. This may be a result of aftermarket spark plugs or an open in circuit number 2540.

1. Check for aftermarket spark plugs.
Plugs that are designed with a "pulse" technology may interfere with this circuit and cause the Service Charging System message in the DIC and/or P0621 DTC to store in the ECM.

If aftermarket plugs are installed, replace the plugs with OEM parts.
This is not considered a warranty repair and all cost associated with this repair should be the customer's responsibility.

2. Circuit 2540 is supplied voltage from the horn fuse, position 2 in the UBEC.
Try the horn to see if it works.

If the horn does not work, suspect an open fuse.
This fuse may open if the horn is shorted due to water intrusion.
If the horn is functional, check the integrity of circuit 2540 between the UBEC and the generator.
Refer to SI document 1481125 for the schematic. Repair circuit 2540 as needed and re-evaluate the customer's concern.

Also check the main ground wire from frame, directly to I think, back of engine

There was some issue but cannot recall which C6 years when the connectors of wires going to battery posts
had weak crimps so have someone move the wires at the battery posts and someone watching the dash gauge and see if the voltage level changes

IF the C6 has been in areas of lots of water
On the frame there are ground splice packs, 2 of them are below headlights on frame, so see several ground wires going into
those packs

Water getting in them cause all those ground wire connectors to corrode and cause ll kinds of odd problems

Check the wiring and their connectors of the Alt to the battery and the PCM as being clean and tight
wiggle wires and watch voltage gauge


CCCUK Member
Hi I have a 2006 C6 The voltage meter fluctuates as i am driving between 14 and 11 and the car occasionally cuts out
I have tried all the usual stuff ( new alternator/ new battery/ clean connections ) but this seems to have stumped my local garages.
I guess I will need a specialist auto electrician who knows about Corvette electrics
I live in Bedfordshire but willing to travel to get this sorted . Any recommendations ?
Are you Chris from Potton in Bedfordshire who has just joined the club ? If so speak to BBNC Region Co- Rep. Mike Lacey who lives not far from you in Beeston near Sandy . He has a collection of Vettes and will know of a specialist in the area I am sure . Contact details of all reps are on the club website and in each edition of Vette News .
Good Luck.
Mike Gardner - BBNC Rep.


New user
Thank you everybody for your advice regarding things to try and specialists that may also help
This is my first posting on the site having just joined the club and I have to say I have been overwhelmed by the support
I will certainly try your suggestions


CCCUK Member
A generic code scanner won't give you any details. You will need a tech 2 or something like that. I do have a tech 2. I doubt that will show anything... To me I would make sure the cables to the battery terminals are tight. See if you can move them by hand as they are a pain to try and keep tight.. Tony at Wheels in Motion in Milton Keynes works on American cars so you can PM me for his work number