Members' Website Status


It is inevitable that some Members don’t renew their Club Membership for a variety of reasons.

In order to protect the Membership Benefits of those Members using the website (e.g., Members only Forum, discounts codes etc) is it important that User Statuses are correct. Now that a reasonable length of time has passed since renewal invitations, a review has been undertaken to ensure that only current Club Members have that status on the website.

Some of you may have noticed a change, but if you feel it is incorrect, please let me know.


CCCUK Member
It is inevitable that some Members don’t renew their Club Membership for a variety of reasons.

In order to protect the Membership Benefits of those Members using the website (e.g., Members only Forum, discounts codes etc) is it important that User Statuses are correct. Now that a reasonable length of time has passed since renewal invitations, a review has been undertaken to ensure that only current Club Members have that status on the website.

Some of you may have noticed a change, but if you feel it is incorrect, please let me know.
Quite right too , don`t want free loaders clouding the water . (y)

Ray Quayle

CCCUK Member
Hey Rich, We spoke before about the “CCCUK Lifetime Member” status and you explained that status was reserved for special folks, which I understood. I’d like to suggest an anniversary status for the rest of us mere mortals. So for someone like me, I’d get a “CCCUK 30 Year Member” status. We could have anniversary members for every 5 years. Just something simple that could make the commoners feel special.(y)


Ray, you are special - anyone who magically produces numerous pizzas in the Nationals Hotel car park (like you used to) has to be.

Always happy to consider suggestions, Ray, but you need to be more specific please. Are we talking pin badge, different membership card, amended website status, a plaque or whatever. Clearly a Commitee decision and as there are no more Committee meetings before the AGM, this will be something for the new Committee (a 30 year+ member would make an ideal Committee Member, by the way ;))

Send me an email with your thoughts and how we could do this and I will raise it with the new crew.

Ray Quayle

CCCUK Member
I was simply talking about the website status on this forum, but a different membership card would be cool too!:cool: Not to mention shirt availability through the club merch site for each category.

We raised a pretty good chunk for ‘Help For Heros’ with that pizza idea.(y) Were you at the racecourse the year I brought all those steaks and burgers and we grilled in one of the marquees? That went down as well as did the bourbon! As for Committee member, I’d never had the time for me to do it properly. Although with the COVID thing, I’d taken unpaid leave for 12 months since March 2020. I should have thought about it then, but I’m actually back to work on the 12th of July. I’ve gotten used to no work though and expect I’ll soon be retiring, so I’ll definitely be in touch.

James Vette

CCCUK Member
I was simply talking about the website status on this forum, but a different membership card would be cool too!:cool: Not to mention shirt availability through the club merch site for each category.

We raised a pretty good chunk for ‘Help For Heros’ with that pizza idea.(y) Were you at the racecourse the year I brought all those steaks and burgers and we grilled in one of the marquees? That went down as well as did the bourbon! As for Committee member, I’d never had the time for me to do it properly. Although with the COVID thing, I’d taken unpaid leave for 12 months since March 2020. I should have thought about it then, but I’m actually back to work on the 12th of July. I’ve gotten used to no work though and expect I’ll soon be retiring, so I’ll definitely be in touch.
I need to think about retiring.