Speaker size in a 1973 C3


Busy user
Hi all, I have recently bought another 73 C3, however, as it's on its way over from the States still, I have no way of measuring things. Would anyone know the size of the front & rear speakers? I am looking to upgrade the system, but need to know what the sizes are.


Supporting vendor
They are 4x6" good replacements can be found on fleebay, however they are installed from underneath which requires the dash removal to fit the drivers side, the passenger side can be fitted by removing the lower dash.


Busy user
I am having a new head unit and amp installed anyway, so unsure if that will require dash removal? Are there only speaker in the front, none at the rear?


Supporting vendor
I am having a new head unit and amp installed anyway, so unsure if that will require dash removal? Are there only speaker in the front, none at the rear?
2 speaker only, in the front you can call me if you need help