What have YOU being doing or are you planning to do with your Vette?


CCCUK Member
I would have thought petrol or white spirit or a de -greasing agent would have been better . That way you are not introducing moisture into the mechanism that will cause corrosion in the future .


CCCUK Member
It'll be dried out with a hairdryer.
Petrol / white spirit / de geasing fluid would have been more affective than hot water as it would break down the old grease and then evaporate afterwards . Hot water will only mealt the grease to a certain extent then as it gradually cools it will loose it`s affect .


Busy user
Finally got the front shocks in and got the Borgeson steering box reinforcing bracket bolted up.
both jobs were time consuming and knackering!
Glad they’re done though🙂 well mess around with the compression and rebound setting over the next week or so.
I’ve had the vette out a few times and the steering is amazing. With the Borgeson conversion, solid rag joint, bump steer kit and the steering box reinforcing bracket the steering is like my old Mk1 Escort. I can power slide the car one handed with ease with the tighter ratio steering box

The shocks have made a huge difference. Loads of rebound dialed in and the car doesn’t crash anymore over bad surfaces like it used to. Really nice. Will stiffen them up a tad next week.

Next mods are a shorter tilt steering column from Flaming River (currently non tilt) and lower the floors a couple of inches to move the seats down.
The car will end with a interior that was actually designed for a human to drive one of these days!

James Vette

CCCUK Member
Started the process of replacing every hose on the car. They are not in that bad condition but I really want the entire car to be in tip top shape and to know everything is in perfect condition.


Busy user
Do the accessory drive belts and intake manifold to water pump bypass hose - these can all fail unexpectedly......
I had loads of problems with belts in the Vette and the Mustang. Whining from the Vette came down to belt pitch angle. Solved with different pulley I had.
Mustang was a nightmare.I went through around 5 belts trying to find what worked. Ended up putting a larger Boss 302 alternator pulley on which slowed the alternator down. Solved.


lower the floors a couple of inches to move the seats down.
The car will end with a interior that was actually designed for a human to drive one of these days!
That seems like a lot of hard work to sit lower - considered alternative seats? - or perhaps having the existing seats re-covered and having the seat foam, springs, wires etc re-worked to get some of that height away?


Well-known user
Started the process of replacing every hose on the car. They are not in that bad condition but I really want the entire car to be in tip top shape and to know everything is in perfect condition.
Prevention always better than a cure. Just looking to replace my van clutch as a precaution as its on its original with 118 k on it 😱


CCCUK Member
Back on topic - we met up with our friends (Club Secretary & spouse no less) for lunch on Saturday. Great run out for our C5's on a dry day in a superb setting just off the 'Military Road' built by the Romans all those years ago. Great food, great company, great location, great cars - fantastic. :)


CCCUK Member
My poor '71 has been hors de combat since before last Christmas while I gave serious attention to her rear end. Now with her mobility fully restored and with the first proper day of Spring sunshine this year, I told the old girl 'get your glad rags on and we'll go for a blast of fresh air'.....


Well, it's been worth the wait; she now belies her years and tackled our local Cotswold hills as if it was 1972 instead of 2022. With hopefully a proper summer ahead, we're looking forward to many more of the same!
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CCCUK Member
My poor '71 has been hors de combat since before last Christmas while I gave serious attention to her rear end. Now with her mobility fully restored and with the first proper day of Spring sunshine this year, I told the old girl 'get get your glad rags on and we'll go for a blast of fresh air'.....

View attachment 16397

Well, it's been worth the wait; she now belies her years and tackled our local Cotswold hills as if it was 1972 instead of 2022. With hopefully a proper summer ahead, we're looking forward to many more of the same!
Looks fantastic. Nothing better than a convertible in the sunshine.