Another oil leak


CCCUK Member

This is turning in to the worst experience I've EVER had with a car (owned well over 100!)
So I've had it 2 years as you all know, I've probably only covered about 3k miles in that time whilst I've been chasing a few little issues here and there.
I've sent it to PartUSA for work over and over, again and again! I've literally spent thousands with them in the last 2 years just to have my car stop leaking oil! and here I am again with the same thing still happening!!!!!
Is it just me who is so unlucky? Or am I honestly missing something???

So far its had the front main seal changed, front timing cover with a new gasket, front timing cover seal, valley cover gasket, 2x rocker cover gaskets and very recently (only 300 miles ago) I had the upper AND lower sump gaskets replaced.
After a small drive today, I pull up at home and get the all familiar smell of hot engine oil... looked under the car to find yet again, my sump is completely covered in oil!
I'm very very very close to calling it quits with this car now, I'm in to it for well in excess of £23k and it's getting more and more ridiculous!!!!! my brain constantly argues with me, saying I should of stuck with Japanese cars, but I really wanted to own my childhood dream car and its turned out to be nothing but an absolute nightmare!


Supporting vendor
I may be wrong, but I think your problem is using a F'd up repair shop

C5s are known to have almost no leaks, I know many, many C5 owners and not one with your leaking issues
My 1999 C5 I have owned like 24 years has zero leaks of any kind, even when beating the piss out of it racing

I say find a shop that is pro Corvette, does quality work and knows C5 LSx engines

Do not blame Corvette designs, blame the leaches draining your bank account as all LSx engine models have proven to be bulletproof

I think they are guessing what the leak is at and throwing parts and labor at it
I wonder if they are not correctly jacking the engine up a bit to be able to take the cradle off and correctly taking off the oil pan
to correctly install the pan's seal ?

I'd demand they fix this once and for all at their own expenses and within a few days of getting the C5 or sue their asses off


CCCUK Member
It annoys me that I've had to resort to sending the car off to have work done in the first place.
I am a motorcycle tech by trade and know my way around cars really well. But due to work commitments, getting older and not wanting to roll around the floor at home anymore, plus I struggle to get the Corvette up to a comfortable working height. I have to send the car to have the work done, otherwise it'd be off the road a long time.
It's really upset me this happening today after my last bill at PartsUSA amounted to almost £2500 fora coolant leak issue (which turned out to be a leaking radiator, had a new waterpump and aux belt whilst at it), this oil leak to be fixed AND my wipers to be fixed. It's booked back in this Friday to have the windscreen wiper motor changed because the one they supplied was full of water after only washing the car once! AND NOW THIS!!!!! So it's like I have spent all that money to end up with the EXACT same issues! (except the coolant issues). I'm using all of my holidays just to take the car to and from because of my work hours and their opening times.
I'm a sad man again today... I jut want to get in my car without having to worry about something going wrong! and do thousands of miles.
I've only managed to do around 3k miles in the 2 years I've owned it because of all this messing around


CCCUK Member
I may be wrong, but I think your problem is using a F'd up repair shop
Parts USA is a GM Authorised Corvette service/repair company. One of two in the UK. They have a great reputation with the people I know who have used them.
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Supporting vendor
Fricking no way for $2,500 for a radiator and pump plus labor
C5 radiators new, from $90 for stock to $300 for higher flowing

Coolant pumps, less than $100 to $150 !

So let's say $300 in parts, from $2,500 charged = $2,200 in labor
When at best 3 hours labor, say $100 and hour = $300

So where did the other $1,900 go to ?
Even i the tech went hiding to jerk off for 1 hour and charged for that
still does not answer why taking the car owner to the cleaners ''?

Fact is simple adding coolant dye would have shown it was the radiator leaking but the ole trick and add a water pump & labor to jack the bill up

Burns the hair off my ass reading this :)

Screw over also with the windshield washer motor as they cost less than $50 for the pump alone

I'd be over there with a baseball bat to discuss this :-(


Supporting vendor
I remembered watching this a while back. Might be relevant...

I do not buy that, as the proper gasket installed would not allow oil leaking where he points to
sounds more like a marketing ad to buy his plate
As it is, the side he is showing is facing the internal side of the engine where oil is moving around
Guy calls the owners "kids"
what a joke

Oh, there is no TSB in 10s of thousands of C5s as backplate causing external oil leaks
Unless some yokel took the plate off and did not properly use a good seal


CCCUK Member
1, I had the car in to fix the oil leak from the bottom of the motor which was coming from the upper sump gasket. So I asked for the upper and lower gasket to be changed. So gaskets, plus oil and filter, plus labour for that.
2, The car also had a coolant leak that I couldn't find myself... every time I drove the car, I would get white spots all over the right side of the motor but nothing wet?! So I assumed it was the water pump MAYBE???? anyway, I requested a new water pump because it was the original pump still fitted from 2001. Also a new aux belt because that was looking a little old. Plus I asked them to find where the coolant leak is coming from. They pressure tested the coolant system and I had quite a number of holes that opened up in the original rad at 15+psi so I asked them to fix that also. So new rad, water pump, coolant and labour for that also.
3, my wiper motor had failed and upon inspection, it was full of water. Again, it was the original motor which has lasted 23 years. They supplied and fitted a new motor for me which worked for 1 month of dry weather, until I washed my car once and the new motor was full of water again! so this is why I'm going back on Friday to have a replacement fitted and for them to find where the water is getting in because the drains (udders) are clean and functioning. Also the rubber motor cover is in good shape... so a weird one on that???
4, I also had a set of HEL stainless brake lines fitted (which I supplied) and a full manual and computerised brake bleed. This was to replace the original 23 year old rubber hoses and hopefully cure my brake fading issues (which I posted about in a previous thread a while back) which I was still suffering from, and the car feels insanely good now on the brakes!
This was a total of just short of £2500

It hasn't stopped me using the car with the wiper motor not functioning, I only ever drive the car on dry days anyway. But obviously it means I have to keep an eye on the weather forecast which is annoying because even the slightest glimpse of rain, means I can't take it out because I have no wipers to use. Especially if I'm halfway through my drive! Last thing I want is to be caught out in the rain with no wipers and miles away from home.
I'm just absolutely gutted that I have all of these oil leaks and I don't know whether it's them or me being unlucky? (which is highly likely with how things go for me) It's just really upsetting me now.....
So far I have spent around £5-6k at PartsUSA over the last 2 years to have leaks sorted (front main seal, front timing cover, front timing cover seal, both rocker covers, valley cover, upper and lower sump gasket) plus other bits along the way throughout the car. So far everything has been great, I personally don't have a bad word to say about them regarding their service and professionalism. But I'm just so annoyed that all I ever seem to be doing with this car that only has 67k miles on it, is drive it back and forth, back and forth for constant oil leaks to be fixed. Just when I though I was at the end of the entire saga, it kicks me in the ar$e again! And it's not like I give it a hard life! I drive it steady and have occasionally gave it a spirited boot on quiet open roads and the odd A road. Other than that, 99% of the time I have my music on, roof off and just live for the moment... but the car hates me.
More annoying that only last night, I had the sudden realisation that the amount of money I've spent so far. I could of rented my own unit and had a 2 post ramp installed so I could do all of the work myself 🙈🙈🙈 But blinded by the 'indestructible LS', I never thought for a second back then that my issues would of got this deep. If I'd of known it was going to be this much of a headache, I would never of bought a Corvette 😭😭😭
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CCCUK Member
Spoke to PartsUSA this morning.
They're going to take a good look at it on Friday when I take it back for its wiper motor replacement. Again, very helpful and not had an issue with their service.
I just hope that they can narrow it down and figure this out. They're as baffled as I am because as mentioned, they've replaced so much stuff already (which have been issues, not just blindly changed for the sake of it).

Fingers crossed we figure this out once and for all 🤞😬🤞

Mr. Cricket

Committee Member
Parts USA is a GM Authorised Corvette service/repair company. One of two in the UK. They have a great reputation with the people I know who have used them.
Well said Chevrolet.

Parts USA are looking after many, many C5 and newer Corvette owners and I have yet to hear one negative report from their services on offer or carried out. They also go above and beyond offering very generous discounts to club members.

They are also enthusiasts, both Neal and Chris spent all day chatting to members at a show on Sunday with no other reason to be there.

Krusty, just come to terms with the Corvette self flushing oil clearance system and you'll find peace with yourself ;)

Just kidding and seen you have it in hand already so fingers crossed for you!


CCCUK Member
You're right, I shouldn't really complain... I should just top the oil up and change the filter now and then, absolutely no need to ever remove the sump plug 😂😂😂

Honestly, PartsUSA have been great. They've always understood my needs, concerns and that this car holds very high sentimental value to me! So they really do go above and beyond to help me out. I just wished the car would love me as much as I love it 😭
It was great hearing Neal say to me on the phone earlier that I have one of the nicest C5's he's ever seen, and it is just a shame we're having all these problems. But he said it as well, it's only a matter of time before it all gets sorted and it will be a perfect car 🥰 I just wish it was perfect now 😤🥵 😂😂🤣🤣

I've been under the car today and cleaned the oil off everywhere I could see and reach. It is all dry and clean now. We have a plan, I'm not going to drive the car until Friday, straight to them (around 30 miles) and hopefully, that will just be enough for us to inspect it... hoping it will just hint at the very least, a slight 'weep' by the time I get there 🤞😬🤞


CCCUK Member
Obviously as an official GM approved repair garage their technicians have or should have the knowledge re these cars, so it’s going/gone to the best place. Possibly something they missed on previous visits. Hopefully they will sort it out on this “final” visit 🤞


Supporting vendor
You can buy a Florissant dye for engine oil and auto parts store or Amazon sells

It comes with either special glasses or a light which would allow easy tracking of where the oil leak starts and where it


CCCUK Member
Would have thought they would have it to use, or have used it before.
If not, worth getting it and taking it with you for them to use.


Supporting vendor
Clearly with their large Corvette tax :(
that for both the oil and coolant leaks a dye would have been used to assure their fix was a quality long term fix

These dyes are real useful,
I had a A/C Freon leak with my 1993 Caddy Deville 60 Special and there is a dye for Freon testing for leaks


CCCUK Member
Obviously as an official GM approved repair garage their technicians have or should have the knowledge re these cars, so it’s going/gone to the best place. Possibly something they missed on previous visits. Hopefully they will sort it out on this “final” visit 🤞
Well as we know, in garages Service Managers and technicians come and go. At Parts USA however, Neal and maybe more are ex Bauer Millett. So he/they have been working on Corvettes for years.


CCCUK Member
I had an obscure leak on my FTO last year that turned out to be a tiny, tiny hole in the sump itself. No, not the sump plug, or area around it, but a tiny hole in the sump on the rear side of it.
Not helpful to your case I know, but just pointing out that sometimes you get oil leaks in the most unexpected places.


CCCUK Member
*** NEW UPDATE ***

As you all know, I thoroughly cleaned the motor on Monday evening and never drove or even started the car all week. I took it straight to PartsUSA this morning which is a distance of only 38 miles and took approx 45 mins. No rain and nice dry roads, a perfect opportunity to see any leaks.
As soon as I arrived, it got sent straight up on the ramp and it was obvious straight away that the bottom of the motor was covered with oil again! Even with such a short distance and drive time.
Myself, Neal and Chris cleaned all the freshly leaked oil off the motor, it was pretty easy thanks to me thoroughly scrubbing the motor a few days prior. We lowered and started the car, sent it back up, then stood underneath it with torches watching and waiting to see where the oil leak came from ⌚........ unfortunately, it only idled for around 10 minutes before it became quite obvious that the new upper sump gasket they had installed, has failed again 😭😭😭
So as of right now, we're not sure yet whether I've been unlucky and had a bad gasket? or if either of the mating surfaces have an issue??? but I have to go back at the end of August (the earliest they had available) to have the repair done.
So its not the quick and easy result that I had hoped for when I got up this morning 😅 but I honestly can't complain because it's definitely a HUGE step in the right direction (y)

Not a wasted journey either because I had my wiper motor swapped also under warranty... luckily because it started raining on my way back home 🙈🙃


Supporting vendor
Not sure if you mean the upper oil pan when you state "sump"

starting with C5 LS1 the oil pan is 2 pieces
If the lower pan gasket is leaking, is simple, less than 1 hour labor

If it is, the upper pan mounted to the bottom of the engine block is a huge job


as I mentioned in other post, the cradle has to come down and a lot more

Due to all that time and labor, I surely would only put together what is needed,
add some oil dye and let engine idle on rack to assure not even a slight leak before putting everything back on

Here is a guy doing so
