Remember when


CCCUK Member
The Kinks song Lola said it all. The shape of things to come.
Damned right there !!! To quote Ray Davies it sure is " a mixed up , jumbled up world " these days . For me the seminal Kinks record that sums up the `60`s for me is `Waterloo Sunset` . Released in May 1967 , referred to as the summer of love . I was madly in love with girl named Vanessa who lived in Bournemouth and would travel down from Waterloo to see her . Needless to say steam locos also had a strong attraction too as steam haulage on the Waterloo - Bournemouth - Weymouth route ended in 1967 too . So much teenage angst ! But what memories ! 😊


CCCUK Member
1969 and the age of innocence was coming to an end . The Rolling Stones free concert in Hyde Park drew a crowd estimated at 250.000 . To quote Welsh comedian Max Boyce , " I know , I was there " . No AI in this photo , just a mass of people either spaced out or drunk or both and getting on down to the music . Rolling-Stones-Mick-Jagger-on-stage-and-crowd-1200x720.jpg


CCCUK Member
I was only 10 in 1969, so missed it. I can remember the short skirts tho. A couple of our young teachers wore them, and later hot pants.


CCCUK Member
A friends mum wore very short skirts, she was very glamorous. She also had a Citroen SM in black. Very cool


1969 and the age of innocence was coming to an end . The Rolling Stones free concert in Hyde Park drew a crowd estimated at 250.000 . To quote Welsh comedian Max Boyce , " I know , I was there " . No AI in this photo , just a mass of people either spaced out or drunk or both and getting on down to the music . View attachment 29524
I was there at that crowded though it was difficult to get a view of the stage.


Damned right there !!! To quote Ray Davies it sure is " a mixed up , jumbled up world " these days . For me the seminal Kinks record that sums up the `60`s for me is `Waterloo Sunset` . Released in May 1967 , referred to as the summer of love . I was madly in love with girl named Vanessa who lived in Bournemouth and would travel down from Waterloo to see her . Needless to say steam locos also had a strong attraction too as steam haulage on the Waterloo - Bournemouth - Weymouth route ended in 1967 too . So much teenage angst ! But what memories ! 😊
I reckon Vanessa washed with Wright's Coal Tar soap...... remember that? And it's pungent 'aroma' perhaps a big turn-on for a budding steam freak!


CCCUK Member
I reckon Vanessa washed with Wright's Coal Tar soap...... remember that? And it's pungent 'aroma' perhaps a big turn-on for a budding steam freak!
Oh no ! Au de femme was much more of a turn on than the smell of coal smoke and hot cylinder oil : well almost ! :LOL:
I well remember as a nipper being scrubbed vigorously with coal tar soap by my mother -- absolutely hated the stuff .


CCCUK Member
A friends mum wore very short skirts, she was very glamorous. She also had a Citroen SM in black. Very cool
Very posh ! No such glamour living on a council estate in Northampton . Very few people had a car in my street when I was a kid and my dad was one of the few . It was a 1954 Morris Minor .