... from my previous post..
Here the hole and thin section of metal (area 2) has been resolved but area 3 is still to be done

The upper part of the rear panel was replaced. Here shown before the old metal was cut out.

The bottom of the hinge post is being repaired in three sections - one for each side and the raised area for the hinge to bolt onto. You will also see in this picture the drill circles where I have drilled out the spot welds that hold the reinforcing 'boot' to the side of the hinge post. It is interesting to note the random positioning of the 6 welds which seem to be concentrated into quite a small area - not the strongest arrangement but probably good enough.
Here is the first side, cut out and formed being checked for fit ....
and then welded into place

The other side was done in exactly the same way and then the lower part of the hinge mounting plate was cut out and replaced with new metal
The top of the hinge post (area 4 and 5) was in pretty poor shape. There is a reinforcement bracket on the inside of the hinge post that wraps over the top and is welded to the underside of the top section of the hinge post back.
All the rusty metal was cut out and a new top piece was made as a replacement.
and replaced with a new section welded on two sides (as per the original)
This was then reinforced with a further sheet of metal to provide a weld point for the hinge post back top section (not yet in place). The heavily pitted and holed seam at the left (area 3) and front of the hinge post (area 5) have also been replaced in this picture

This just leaves the top section to be formed and welded to the new seam on the left hand side.
Then after a quick coat of primer to stop it corroding whilst I work on something else the fit is checked to make sure that nothing has gone out of alignment.

The upper seam will also certainly need to be adjusted to fit the new corner frames so have been left a bit rough for now.
Incidentally, the red primer I-beam girder seen in the background of some of the previous photographs is something I bought to help form the curved steel sections. It's one metre long, very heavy and each leg of the 'I' can be filed down to a set profile or curve. A 4mm radius was used to match the internal curvature of the hinge post bend. The metal is carefully clamped to the I beam with the required bend position just on the edge of the I-beam leg. The sheet metal is then carefully hit with a large panel beater's hammer to bend the section to the appropriate angle. Primitive, but it works quite well - and is a cheap solution to a common need. I will have to replace the bottom of the doors at some point and I will use the same girder but with a different section curvature to form the whole length of the replacement piece. Hence the 1 metre length.
(with pax hinge post now in matt black..)
Next task is to fabricate the structure that joins the hinge post to the windscreen corner and passenger side windscreen frame. That should be a couple of weeks.