Been busy the last week with a few projects on the car. Been doing more work on the dash but I won’t bore anyone with that until complete and I can show before and after pictures.
I’ve also been attending to a lot of body work filling and sanding again I’ll upload pictures when complete.
However one project I started today which has a before, during and after pictures are the wheels, well wheel only done one so far but the process will be the same for all three so for now here is the wheel progress.
Although not the era correct wheels for my car and I do plan to get the correct 1990 wheels eventually. I thought I’d brush up the ones I have as they were looking a little shabby with a bad case of lacquer peel.
first agood clean with Megiar’s wheel cleaner. This stuff is amazing, highly recommend.
Then I applied some paint stripper, unfortunately not so good at all, as you can see in the picture below it barley touched it....
So as usual when we starting these jobs they become bigger than we expected

I had to sand the lacquer due to
The paint stripper not working!
Wet sanding my way from 400 grit all the way up to 3000 grit, a long process and in all honesty I didn’t do as good of a job as I hoped. The tedious sanding got the better of me and I think I rushed coats. After a good polish with Autoglym’s metal polish (again great stuff) the end result was satisfactory for an afternoon and evenings grind!
End result...
Before and After, not perfect and still
Some sanding swirls, but at least the lacquer peel has gone. Tomorrow I’ll do the other 3 and touch up the corvette logo’s on centre caps.