What a bleedin day. woke at 4am, could not sleep, got up at 5am, cant play out as to early. Neighbours put up with me enough as it is. So i tieded the shed a bit. THEN remebered i did have the gear box oil i need today. Or wire wool.. or locking washers. Nothing like unsorganisation hey haha
So went in for another brew. 8am came around and was out. getting DILLIGAF ready for engine to go in.
Lovely day for it aswell
This time i decided to remove the front wheel to aid getting it back in. It was a bit to tricky getting it out with the wheel on.
Ah the other night i fixed the firewall, i dont know why or how but a smallsh hole had delaminted, easy fix though.
T has noticed the electric bill going up a bit lol.
Bit of ally mesh and brigding filler. The paint i got is a good match aswell,
I have to appologise now but as i was so busy i didnt get many picks.
Had to shift the caravan again to make room. Cant wait now for the motorhome to be gone.
I fitted it all back as it came out, so engine and box. makes life easier. The clutch i am sure you all know how to do. I didnt get many pics but for the removal of the pilot bush.
I didnt have a bar or bolt for a good enough fit so i turned down one.
Only needed a mm taking off.
usual way, pack the hole with grease bit by bit and hammer the bolt in to hydraulicly push the bush out.
And out it popped.
then wack in the new one, well you know., and fit clutch.
was about thia time the rest of the engine bits arrived

to tired already to bother to oprn it.
thinkign of it what else can i say or show to bget it in. bit of a faff to bet the enginemount bolts lined up but managed it after a few choice words and help of a cider or teo.
to tell the truth it was a pain in the ****. trying not to let the engine touch anything. being on paving flags makes it hard. Still its in and tomorrow ill put the inlet etc on.
I removed the rest of the electricery gubbins aswelll, just the Lamba sensor gadget that was fitted for tuning the carb.. Would of helped witht eh Q`jet carb but this new Edlebrock AVS2 is easy to set up.
Ok i hear a Vodka n coke calling me