The front door stops wind getting in and lifting it, here it also very sheltered, here its up against two walls and one side is another fence six feet away. And sswell as it being anchored down well. The last one i had i left one end open and had it anchored down with more than just the feet supplied. i added ratchet straps and eye bolts resined in to he ground to make sure. .What prevents the wind from blowing in and causing this to lift upwards and move ?
Enough free space on sides to use floor jacks ?
Dang, you need to head right over to Harbor Freight and buy lots of man cave tools
You're missing their parking lot sale this weekend !
Guy cannot have enough tools
Where is the beer cooler ?
I have a 2-car garage and there is not one blank space on all 3 walls, a must for wrenchers to have more tools than stores do
When you sell the car might be easier to package the whole tent and all in it
View attachment 27605
I used to do a lot of build threads on my boats but it gets hard work and got fed up of doing them towards the end. .can be very time consuming so i do it when i can now as doing it right takes time.I do like seeing other people's projects, keep posting.
View attachment 27683
Also the stands are in the way so i had to drip it on the ramps.
View attachment 27680
New plan is. drop it on the floor, push it out so i can get the engine out from the side. As you can see i am in the middle of repalcing the flags on the drive 6so that will need to be done asap so i can crack on more. also concrete more so i can get rid of the bulk bags.
View attachment 27685
Well getting there bit at a time. I am now going to get a new Mild Cam, i think a 252 is good to go for. and a better carb. As i unsure of the spec that the engine is ill do what i can now. Along with rebuild the front suspension as all the rubber have cracked.
Close shave wanioOk get i think i have chosen the new cam set for it. i decided to look for a full kit so then atleast spring and push rods are all for the cam shaft.
As said before it is a standard block and heads with inlet manifold from what i have made out. So unless anyone disagrees and it is a bad idea ill just stick what i have back in. From the Cam specs its god after what i have researched into for the engine. And later i can maybe get better heads and inlet.
This is the one i found
COMP Cams K12-412-8 COMP Cams Xtreme Energy Retrofit Cam and Lifter Kits | Summit Racing
Free Shipping - COMP Cams Xtreme Energy Retrofit Cam and Lifter Kits with qualifying orders of $109. Shop Camshaft Kits at Summit
I mite aswell tell you, what a pillock i am. Had a VERY close call tonight with these dam compressors. I am fitting new castors to it, bigger one so i used my enigne crane to lift one side up................BUT a bit to much. How dam lose was that.
My heart drop out my backside.
Missed DILLIGAF by mm, literally. the went arse over tit and lucky one of the motors stopped it going further.
It tool me 2 hrs to try and right them back up and so top heavy.
I think i need a break from stuff. Got an holiday coming up in six weeks and need it.
It is a Manual ManualHave you considered ?
1981 engine was an L81
Compression Ratio: only 8.2:1
Flywheel HP 190 & torque 280 ft/lbs
CAM you're choosing LSA is only
Lobe Separation (degrees): 110
What tranny, auto or manual ?
Love my tools and junk haha. It all keeps me busy. The stove is like a Mass air heater. I buitl it as had a diesle heater and was rubbish and i can get wood free from work.Close shave wanioI think I saw a pic of my engine and box coming out in the usa with the crane at the side. Serious equip in your shed.what is the big furnace looking thing ? Couldnt decide if it was a waste oil burner or no 3 boiler from the Lucitania !
It is a Manual Manual
I am just looking for specs in cams that i got from You tube videos etc. Folk say this then other say that. Doesnt make it easy when folk say so many different things. a H252 was first said to be a the bets then next somebody says its to big and drop down to 200IN -230EX
It is a Manual Manual
I am just looking for specs in cams that i got from You tube videos etc. Folk say this then other say that. Doesnt make it easy when folk say so many different things. a H252 was first said to be a the bets then next somebody says its to big and drop down to 200IN -230EX
You have to remember the L81 engine for 1981 was designed to be a real smog pig and why it only has 190 flywheel HP
take off 20 HP and that is only about 170 HP at the rear wheels
add the Compression Ratio: only 8.2:1 is low, compare to my C5 as engine changes I have is 11:3.1
That is also a reason 1.94" intake/1.5" exhaust sized valves for those heads
You need to search and find out what the LSA of the stock L81 CAM was, I suspect maybe an LSA of 115 and the cam you point to
is 110 so the more narrow the LSA is the less vacuum there is from startup to mid RPMs
Lucky having a manual tranny as if auto that lower vacuum would affect it and require at least a different torque converter
I suggest you read this on the CAM your point to as what stated on Summit Racing website as it might require head work with the kit your cam comes with for the springs ?
COMP Cams K12-412-8 COMP Cams Xtreme Energy Retrofit Cam and Lifter Kits | Summit Racing
Free Shipping - COMP Cams Xtreme Energy Retrofit Cam and Lifter Kits with qualifying orders of $109. Shop Camshaft Kits at Summit
Not knowing what type of final engine output but might require different heads or your ported for larger valves and shaving head face to raise compression or at least use thinner head gaskets to raise compression a bit or changing those smog pistons for ones that would raise compression
In searching, I see guys tend to go with the Comp Cams 260H or Comp Cams XE262 or L81 engine
If I recall correctly, 1981 C3s had an early version of a engine control module and not sure how it would function with a narrow LSA
I have heard like Crane or Comp CAMS made CAM grinds that worked with that ECU